What Are The Symptoms Of The New Omicron Variant

Cough and fever, which were two of the main signs of the covid at the beginning of the pandemic, have already almost disappeared among the first detected cases of the new omicron variant. The Omicron variant symptoms are now somewhat different and generally seem milder.

Covid Symptoms Change With The New Omicron Variant

Omicron Covid-19 Variant

Omicron Covid-19 Variant


The symptoms of covid are very varied and few specific since they coincide with other respiratory diseases. In addition, they have been changing throughout the pandemic.

With each new variant, some symptoms have become more common than others.

The appearance of the omicron variant has not been an exception. There are still few cases in Europe, but the patients analyzed in South Africa have already detected some crucial differences.

Symptoms Of The Omicron Variant

It should be noted that the vast majority of cases " have had mild or moderate symptoms," as explained by Dr. Angelique Coetzee, president of the South African Medical Association.

With omicron, more cases of sore throat and more minor cough are seen. This doctor was the discoverer of the new variant. She was the first to request the sequencing of the cases she saw because they surprised her by not having the usual symptoms most related to covid until then.

The omicron variant symptoms are:

  • Headache has also been seen in a significant percentage of cases with the other variants.
  • Scratchy throat: "It's not so much pain as it's a bit scratchy, " Dr. Coetzee has described.
  • Tiredness: "A feeling of fatigue for a day or two of a different kind than what we can usually detect ."
  • General malaise: A very nonspecific symptom, pain, or discomfort throughout the body, adding to migraine.

Symptoms That Are Somewhat Different

Omicron Variant Covid Safety Measures

Omicron Variant Covid-19


Other symptoms have dropped a lot in frequency. Until now, symptoms that we related to the covid helped doctors to suspect in the first waves of the pandemic.

The most significant loss of smell and taste is very evident, especially with the alpha variant and somewhat less common with the current one, the delta.

The cough has practically disappeared in the cases that have been seen in South Africa of omicron.

The fever, a signal activating our immune system, is not as common as in patients with other variants.

In any case, if the covid has taught us something, it is that few symptoms allow us to rule it out completely. Even in fewer patients, all of the above symptoms can symbolize contagion.

Therefore, the recommendation remains to consult a doctor or do a test at the slightest sign of discomfort.

Why Should We Be More Alert

Omicron Variant Covid Safety Measures

Omicron Variant Covid Safety Measures


It is time to exercise caution not because omicron is more serious, but because of the greater risk of transmission, it has, according to all indications.

Remember that the greater the number of infected, the greater the risk patients end up in the hospital. Only mild cases have been seen in South Africa may be due to a younger population. We must not lower our guard. It is a warning both for the general population and for health personnel.

Even with mild symptoms, do not hesitate to test to avoid future illnesses. "Doctors must know that they are not going to find severe cases, but do not hesitate to test them, " Dr. Coetzee warned. If they are warned, we can slow the expansion and have fewer serious cases in the future. "

There is still not enough data to know if omicron is more contagious or if it evades the protection of vaccines better.

We know that in U.S and Europe, we are in an ascending phase of cases, and if we wait to confirm the suspicions of omicron variant symptoms for sure, we could be late.

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