Water Bottle On Tire Meaning and Other Negative Uses of Bottle Water on Cars (2022)

The new year is almost upon us, and while we are preparing to enter the new year, we think it's best to bring to your attention a trendy criminal trick (water bottle on tire meaning) and other reasons why it's best to avoid carrying bottle water in your car.

Water Bottle On Tire Meaning

Water Bottle On Tire Meaning

Water Bottle On Tire: Youtube


The sophistication of new car security systems has left thieves looking for innovative new methods to achieve their goals.

One of the methods that have begun to be used in some countries is that of 'the plastic bottle,' a modus operandi available to anyone and that can have your car stolen without the need to use any tools or violence.

The method works as follows: thieves place a plastic water bottle on the car's wheel, causing the driver to hear a strange noise when driving a few meters when it touches the plastic. The thieves then rely on the driver to see what happens, leaving the engine running and the front door open, making it easier for robbers to enter and take the car directly.

Now you know what the water bottle on tire meaning, please endeavor to stay safe in the coming new year. Below are reasons you should avoid carrying water in your car.

Why You Should Avoid Unsafely Carrying Water Bottle in Your Car

Safe Vii Lusso Water Bottle


The authorities recommend carrying water in the car, especially on long trips. However, care must be taken in how the drink is carried since transporting any bottle in the vehicle can entail risks. Here are some of the dangers caused by improperly taking a water bottle in the car.

Pedals jam

It is essential to have the water bottle securely attached to prevent it from falling to the ground, which could be very dangerous. The reason? If it reaches the area where the driver puts his feet, the bottle could end up under the bottom bracket and block some pedals, interfering with driving and even causing an accident.

The Elephant Effect

With this effect, the authorities refer to the consequences of a rear occupant traveling without the seat belt fastened and is thrown out when a sudden movement occurs, such as braking or even an accident.

The same effect can occur with objects not correctly attached, such as a water bottle. For this reason, it is recommended to carry the bottles in compartments, coasters, or the car's glove compartment.

A Health Risk

Especially in summer, the interior of a car reaches very high temperatures and heats up very quickly: in a few minutes, it can exceed 50 degrees. This can be harmful if we have a bottle of water inside the car because if some microorganism has come into contact with the water, it can reproduce quickly, and if we drink it later, we could get any infection. It is recommended not to leave the water in the sun or refill bottles that have been in the car for a long time.

You Can Be Penalized If You Drink Water While Driving

Yes, they can do it even if the action is not typified in the traffic regulations if the agent considers that it puts road safety at risk. And it is that when a person drinks water while driving, he removes a hand from the steering wheel, which can interfere with the control of the vehicle.


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