Winter Storm Warning: How to Prepare For A Winter Storm (2022)

There have been various winter storm warnings around the United States, and you should check your local weather service via the internet to get the current weather updates. Please adhere to these safety precautions if your area is among the frequent reports received.


First Aid in Case of Hypothermia

Heavy snowfalls and extreme cold can immobilize an entire region if you don’t heed to winter storm warning. Most of the deaths are indirectly related to the storm. Some people die in traffic accidents because the roads are covered in ice or from the hypothermia that results from prolonged exposure to the cold.

According to the authorities, electricity and telephone service are the first services to be lost during a winter storm emergency. Heating is necessary to face low temperatures, and if it does not work, you must find or move to a shelter. If the storm extends for several days, access to groceries is blocked. For these reasons, it is recommended that you always have the following supplies accessible at home or work:

  • Flashlights and extra batteries.
  • An NOAA battery-powered portable radio: This radio will keep you informed 24 hours about the weather conditions and the alerts issued for your region.
  • Extra food and water: You should have energizing foods, such as dried fruits, nuts, granola bars, and foods that do not need refrigeration or cooking.
  • Medicines and baby items
  • First-aid supplies
  • Blankets to keep warm
  • Fuel for heating equipment
  • Emergency heating equipment such as wood stoves: This equipment must be used with great care and ventilation to prevent fires.
  • Fire extinguisher and fire alarm: Fire alarms should be tested at least once a month to ensure their operation.
  • If you have pets, check that they have enough water, food, and shelter.

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The authorities during the winter storm warning recommend storing a winter storm survival kit in vehicles. This kit consists of:

  • Cell phone charger and battery
  • Blankets
  • Sheets and/or sleeping bags
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Knife
  • Foods that are energizing
  • Extra clothes
  • Large container that you can use as a portable toilet. Toilet paper and paper towels.
  • Small container and waterproof matches, to melt the snow and use it to drink it.
  • Shovel and snow removal equipment
  • Windshield cleaning equipment
  • Tools
  • Tow rope
  • Water container
  • Compass and road map
  • Rock salt or “sea-salt” to melt ice and improve traction

winter storm warning

Winter Storm Warning | Pixabay

Driving a vehicle should be done only if it is vital. If you have to do it, you prefer to do it early in the day, do not travel alone, stay on the main roads, and avoid shortcuts, especially in unfamiliar areas. Tell someone your plan and route. When you leave the house, set the house’s interior temperature to no lower than 55 ° F.

During the storm, it remains indoors. Avoid the overexertion of clearing snow that can lead to a heart attack, one of the leading causes of death in the winter. Keep your clothes dry and change them frequently to avoid loss of body heat (wet clothes lose all their insulating value and transmit heat quickly).

Watch for signs of frostbite on the body: Loss of sensation and a pale or white appearance in extremities such as fingers, toes, earlobes, and the tip of the nose. You should get medical help immediately if there is a sign of hypothermia: uncontrollable shaking, memory loss, disorientation, incoherence, slurred speech, sleep, and apparent exhaustion.

If symptoms of hypothermia are detected, the victim should be taken to a warm place, remove wet clothing, warm the center of the body first, and give hot non-alcoholic beverages if the victim is conscious. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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