Daily Water Intake Bottle: 5 Tricks to Drink More Water

According to various sources, they recommend between two and three liters of daily water intake bottle per day per person. Still, unfortunately, there is no scientific basis to recommend such an amount, since each one needs their requirements, depending on the circumstances and their day-to-day life.

If we specify more, as a general rule, it is recommended that, in healthy adults, consume about 3.7 liters in men and about 2.7 liters in women. But it is challenging to determine the amount of water we consume per day because that water is derived from many foods and beverages that we consume during the day. Therefore, it isn't easy to calculate such an amount.

Vii Lusso Water Bottle


Furthermore, the World Health Organization (WHO) does not recommend drinking any specific amount but consuming water and foods with a high water content (approximately 20%), maintaining good daily hydration.

It is essential to make it clear that the daily water intake bottle will depend on the degree of dehydration you have; therefore, it is not mandatory to finish a bottle of water with the exact measure, but rather that you maintain the hydration that your body needs during the day so as not to be thirsty.

Five Simple Tricks To Drink More Water

Vii Lusso Daily Water Intake Bottle

Try To Set Simple Goals

Drinking three liters of water on the first day will undoubtedly lead to failure, especially if you are not used to drinking that amount of water. Try to start small, with slightly smaller amounts spread throughout the day. In this way, the adaptation will be better.

Another trick is setting small goals during the day, such as drinking a pint of water before eating, because if you meet it, it can help motivate you.

In addition, it would be interesting if you are a person who consumes drinks with little water content and is unhealthy; little by little, you substitute those drinks for water. In this way, you would improve your health by eliminating unhealthy drinks.

Always Carry A Bottle Of Water With You

Always having your daily water intake bottle on hand is an excellent strategy to remember to drink consistently. Therefore, if you leave the house, always have water on hand.

Another interesting strategy is to put a reminder message on the bottle. Try to do it so that it captures your attention; in this way, a stimulus will be formed in your head, helping you remember that you have to drink.

Try To Set Schedules

This trick is closely related to goal setting, and it tries to plan water consumption schedules to control fluid intake.

By setting schedules, you establish a routine that is easier to stick to if you're not in the habit of drinking water when you're thirsty. In addition, you divide the water consumption during the day, reducing the feeling of heaviness that you may have at the beginning.

Setting alarms is an interesting strategy if you forget to drink water within the hours you have established, and to begin with, you can do well.

Don't Let The Thirst Pass By

Listening to your body is something that we do not do very often; try to prioritize your thirst with daily water intake bottle and not leave it for later. Having the bottle always in hand will help you always to have a liquid at your disposal to quench that feeling of thirst.

It would help if you remembered that this feeling is more important than we think because thirst indicates the onset of dehydration. Therefore, you must hydrate throughout the day.

Try Using Natural Flavorings

It is expected that at first it costs you to drink water if you are not used to it, especially if your main source of hydration is alcoholic beverages, coffee, or soft drinks. If this is your case, it will take time to get your body used to only drinking water.

An excellent way to adapt to this change is to use natural flavorings to give your water a little flavor, thus adapting more to this new way of hydrating. And, little by little, try to reduce the number of flavorings you use until they are eliminated.


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